Saturday, May 12, 2012

Silly Thoughts Under the Sun

I wonder if a glass of wine constitutes as a serving of fruit? A glass of grape juice does, so it only seems fair and reasonable that wine should as well.
This thought occurred to my while sitting on the deck in the sun, sipping wine and eating kettle cooked barbecue potato chips. It was just one of those days - what can I say. I’m always thinking even when pity munching. Rocking slowly back and forth, the sun warming my feet, I read the entire potato chip bag - including the ingredients. It stated they were made with sunflower and/or canola oil. I have to wonder why they don’t know which? Seems to me, it either has to be one or the other or a blend of both; in which case they would use the word 'and' not 'or.' Imagine if I had company over for dinner, and served something like...let’s say...meatloaf. Plopped it on the table, then proudly said, “Its made with beef and/or turkey.” I have to imagine more than a few questions would follow. Maybe the potato chip makers get their oil from the black market in unmarked kegs.
I heard Dr. Oz mention a supplement that helps the cells let go of stored fat. I figure a middle-aged, single gal such as myself can never be too careful when it comes to stored fat, so I ran out and bought two bottles. I could just forgo the chips but that's no fun, so I’ve been downing the little pills like Tic Tac’s instead.
Speaking of Tic Tac's, as far as I can tell there are two kinds of Tic Tac people: those that painfully coax one or two mints from the clear, square container with jerky little movements and those that merely dump a handful into their palm then slap their palm to their mouth. I’m the latter. In fact, unless I’m having to appear dignified, I go the baby birdie approach: open mouth, pour down shoot. Doing so is most enjoyable when wearing ripped jeans and a tee, with an open top Jeep. The moment screams: carefree. 
Today I head to a book signing with my daughter in tow. She is, after all, the inspiration for the book series. It seems only right she be there. So sweet she is in her spirited, colorful outfit - me on the other hand in my favorite Muppet tee. In a way, watching my daughter savor the moment is a Mother’s Day gift I give myself. A gift I intend on enjoying. If I don't write another blog before Mother's Day, I want to wish all of those who've shown love, support and compassion to a child, friend or partner a Happy Mother's day - because those three things are the hallmark of motherhood. Nurturing those we love - that's what we do.

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