Tuesday, May 15, 2012

It's a Toss Up Between Sanguine and Philosophic

Image if you had to describe yourself in one word. Not an easy task. When full of self pity and personal loathing a few words quickly and easily come to mind. But when we're at our best, then it gets a bit more challenging. When operating at our full potential, it takes a bit more time to find the one word that captures us as a person; like a photograph captures an image. Now, imagine if that one word were chosen by all those that have known you.

While walking my boxer just moments ago, the thought crossed my mind: what would that one word be if others had to describe me. Please keep in mind, it is my opinion that this word would serve only for entertainment purposes; satisfying a curiosity at best.
As we move through life, some of us doing so with gentleness and care, others doing so like a bull in heat, I have to wonder not only the impact we have on others, but the impression we leave. I try to show kindness. I do so because I enjoy showing kindness. But, is that how I come across? I don’t know. I really can't say with any certainty. As a writer, I am startled by the varying ways in which my words occasionally come across. There is the intent of my message, which has been painstakingly spelled out by me, then there is the message for which I never planned. But that is writing; its storytelling; a very poignant shadow of life, but not life itself. The mixing and mingling we do with others, that is life. I have to wonder, in life, is the intent of who we are shining through? When one is nice, are they being perceived as such? When someone is malevolent are they being seen as evil? Or are their others factors at play; other things coloring how we are perceived and thus defined?
Sometimes, regardless of the efforts of the person, their looks shape the opinions ultimately made regarding them. Its just fact. Our appearance does, in many ways, keep us shrouded. This can be good or this can be bad. When a freckle faced child claims innocence in the face of guilt, its easier to take a softened view of their actions. I think I look harsh, yet overall, I would like to think I’m quite the opposite. So I have to wonder then, if the one word chosen by others to describe me would be one that embodies my efforts as a human or is colored (dare I say tainted), by my appearance.
No one defines us, but us. Yet in a world in which we are constantly coexisting, conversing and establishing relationships, this other word - the one chosen by others - is quite revealing. So the next time you look into the eyes of your partner, friend or coworker what word comes to mind? If its a good one, if it is a kind one, you might want to let them know. As it just might be the word they were hoping for.

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