Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Its All How You Look At It

I should clarify something: I’m not a Blogger. Actually, I’m a writer that maintains a blog as a way of sweeping random thoughts from my mind; clearing way for the many story lines that stream through my head. Within these blogs I often try to encourage you and me to feel good about ourselves. But then again, that’s the message hidden within my novels as well.
It came as a bit of a surprise when someone commented that I have become a bit negative and critical as of late. I’m not sure where those comments stemmed from, but I can say this: I do feel life can be negative at times, and I work hard to acknowledge it for what it is then work to cast a positive light. That holds true for relationships, our body image, pursuing our dreams or raising children; it holds true for everything. Sometimes those negative thoughts are conjured all on our own, at other times they are voiced through the mouths of friends or family. Maybe the media is the one that is reminding us of our shortcomings. Either way, there’s plenty to pull us down. If you’ve walked through life without any negative influences, then consider yourself not only lucky, but also one in a million. 
We can’t do a great deal to change those influences, but we have complete control over what we do with those influences. Hence the message imbued within many of my blogs. Sometimes they’re written because I feel you may need to hear it, often its written because I need to hear it. Sometimes they are just random thoughts needing to be said.
Oddly enough, I’ve never written (what seems to me) a negative blog. Within this mind of mine, if I wanted to go dark and negative, I could easily take us down into a dark, dark abyss. I won't do that. However, I’m ever aware of the world around me, and it isn’t always light, bright and pretty and I’m not afraid to talk about it. I feel we are a bit stronger once we do. I’m not afraid to admit to the challenges of living in this world. I want everyone to feel a bit more empowered, a bit less timid and a lot more confident to shine their brightness. I’m not afraid to remind us all to shine our wonderfully unique light regardless of how dark or bright the world around us.

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