Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Since the Dawn of Man

Have you realized that since very early on, mankind has sought out some sort of mind altering substance? I’ve realized this. They say it started tens of thousands of years ago and quite by accident. Something was most likely left out where it then fermented. I have to wonder about the hapless adventurer who eyed this seemingly spoiled liquid, most likely sniffed it, then shrugged and took a swig after deciding, “What the heh?” And - what - a - discovery - they - made.
Freud believed there are no such things as accidents. In this instance, I quite agree. It only makes sense to me that this beverage of varying kinds was sent from above as the Heavens soon realized things were going to get a little intense and we mere mortals would damn well need something to smooth out the rough edges. Or at least, I like to think such benevolence exists among the Gods.
Gluttony of any sort is never a good thing. I’ve over drank, over ate and over thought on many an occasion - and I can only say: all three are harmful when done in excess.

With that said, nothing is nicer (well maybe a few things), than a good glass of wine. I enjoy seeking out and buying wine almost as much as drinking it - almost. I love the history behind each and every bottle. I love the way it possesses a multitude of intricate flavors and nuances. Of course, I also thoroughly enjoy the way it gradually softens my mind. A mental message, if you will. If one wanted to become quite wealthy all they need do is find a way to capture that softening moment; figure out how to make it last, then bottle it and distribute it to the masses. Because that, ‘oh, that feels better,’ moment is indeed fleeting. It comes in, and before we are ever ready, it goes out.
A good glass of wine is best when shared. Then again, happiness and life are best when shared. And when with friends I often do. But I'm partnerless and may very well always be. I have decided however, not to let that stop me from enjoying these sacred, fleeting, relaxed moments. Occasionally, while sitting on my deck I let the sun’s setting rays warm me as I slowly sip a smooth red. And for now, doing so alone will have to do. Life is too short, and at times, a bit too rough to forgo this softened retreat every now and again.

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