Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Been There Done That
I don’t really want a doctor who's experienced only perfect health. And I sure as heck don’t want an attorney who's never, themselves, been sued, or a financial investor who doesn't know how vulnerable it feels to be without funds. 

I have a hard time having faith in those that haven’t learned through experience. This does not mean the others are not skilled or knowledgeable. It doesn’t mean that at all. It just means I don't relate to them as well. As they say - it takes all kinds. And I tend to do better with those that have been there.

I always joke that if and when Fate brings me a partner I hope they too have gone through a miserable divorce - if not - how would they possibly understand, on an intimate level, the emotional toll it takes on a person. I don’t want someone who’s without a few flaws and rough edges. Because I too have those. As long as they’re honest, have a good heart and I’m drawn to them like a bee on pollen - then I’ll be pleased. I have other prerequisites but these three sit at the core of what I would like.

For some reason, I appreciate writers, actors and musicians, ten times more once I learn their success did not come easy. There is something very admirable about their  success having come solely due to their talent and tenacity. I remember listening to a certain inspirational leader a few months back. He was brimming with positive sentiments. Very likable person. His father was the same and passed his followers onto his son. But, in the back of my mind I couldn’t help but to think about the vast difference between the one teaching and the one’s listening. I have to imagine many of them did not inherent an enormous, profitable group of followers. I wonder how this man would've fared if he had to cultivate his own following; one by one, while working numerous jobs. I wonder if he would've had the inner strength and positive thoughts to push forward. He might have, but we'll never know.
I know I felt better when my heart surgeon shared with me his own heart disease problems. His disease is different than mine, yet I knew instantly that he, out of necessity, was practicing what he preached. I also like it when those helping others with weight loss were once those in need of weight loss. They understand. And you can always tell the difference between those who understand and those who don't. I guess, when I look in someone’s eyes, I like to see that they've traveled down the road for which I'm about to walk. With every step they gathered wisdom they wouldn't have otherwise.

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