Thursday, May 10, 2012

Give Me The Beat Boys And Free My Soul

In life there are many important decisions. This is one of them. When I die, I don’t want a funeral. Those closest to me know this already. If my kids see fit to have a gathering - that’s fine. Make it a celebration though. And while my guests are mulling around drinking good wine they will do so as I love Rock and Roll by Joan Jett and the Blackhearts thunders in the background. It seems only fitting, as I emulated her during my youth.
The soundtrack to my life, is an important one. In fact, I’m not sure if I’d be here right now if it weren’t for music. At times music merely adds texture and rhythm in the background, at other times it is truly a life preserver used to pull me back onto the boat. I listen to it when I'm happy. I listen to it when I'm sad. 
After Ms. Jett has had a chance to force everyone to feel the beat, then the soundtrack would shift onto Dobie Gray. The poignant guitar riff and opening lines, being the opening lines for much of my life. "Day after day I’m more confused. I look for the light through the pouring rain. You know that's a game that I hate to lose. I'm feelin' the strain. Ain't it a shame. Oh, give me the beat boys and free my soul. I wanna get lost in your rock and roll and drift away." 

The day wouldn’t be about sadness, so the music would naturally shift to Nirvana, Three Dog Night, Foo Fighters, ABBA, The Pixies and 4 Non Blondes. There would be plenty of Blues and music that spans the old and the new. So many songs.
I think everyone should make such a playlist. And either instead of, or in addition to, a sermon or speech wherein one’s life is recounted upon their passing, gatherers listen to the music that touched their heart, mind and soul while alive. I think the music one listens to, or the fact that they don’t listen to music at all, tells a great deal about a person. Just as it sets the stage and vibe within a movie; it surely sets the stage within one's life.
So, if you find yourself at my ‘life celebration’, enjoy the music. Enjoy the glorious drum beats and guitar riff that serve as the harbinger to I Love Rock and Roll. Think of me fondly of course. But smile as you do, knowing that when I was just a young girl of twelve years, I listened to Joan Jett belt out her fiery songs and wanted to be just like her: bold, beautiful and strong. I’m not musically inclined, unfortunately. So, had I not pursued writing I would’ve been a doctor, psychiatrist or an animator; all three careers that I seriously considered pursuing and/or did pursue. But, if I could’ve...I would’ve...been just like her; screaming with all my might on stage, feeling the drum beat beneath my feet while urging everyone to scream and shout. But in a way, that’s what I do when I write.


  1. wow,i am not the only one with funeral celebration music,beatles, elton john,
    love chris

  2. No you're not :) Maybe there's more like us?? ha ha.
