Wednesday, April 18, 2012

God Only Knows What's Around The Bend

I can’t even begin to presume to know the thoughts and lives of others. However, I have to believe its safe to say that most of us, at one point, have found ourselves standing at a crossroad. I’ve been standing in this figurative, yet profoundly real location for a few days now. If I don’t move soon, birds will begin to land upon my head.
I have, in the past, turned the wrong way and walked down many a bad road. I’d like to say I learned a great deal, and due to the road, grew stronger - I didn't, not really.  All those roads managed to do, if anything, was change me. 
When standing in this precarious place, with feet that aren’t sure where to go, I strain my eyes hoping to get a better view of what’s in the distance. But some roads, or at least the ones before me, are curved - there is no guarantee what rests beyond the first bend. There is always the unseen and there is always the unknown.
Friends try to help. Offering a different vantage point, they stand beside me and say, “Well I don’t know if you’re able to see this from where your standing but... that road may look good but there’s one hell of a drop about a quarter mile down. Its like the road just disappears.” Or, “That road looks like the one you’ve been looking for, but... did you see the hornet’s nest?” And, “Everyone else is going thatta' way. Maybe you should too?”
I don’t like drop offs, drama or any other travesty. If a road is solid though, feels right and most importantly, my internal compass and I agree, then I don’t mind a hornet’s nest. I'll Navy SEAL tummy crawl it, to get around them if I have to - but they won't stop me.
So if you’re standing at a crossroad - don’t be afraid to move. Crouch, duck and run like hell if you must. But move. And, remember, just because everyone’s heading in one direction, doesn’t mean that's your direction. Only you know where you want to go.

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