Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Don't Tell Me We're Out Of Mustard Again

I’m not surprised so many people are choosing to remain single. In fact, if I'm surprised by anything its that this surge in single-hood didn’t happen earlier. 
Men and women process, handle and conjure thoughts and emotions so differently, its a wonder we can effectively communicate. I’m being facetious, but only slightly. The diehard romantic in me believes these differences are there for a reason, and when the right connection is made - these seemingly distinct and individual attributes compliment one another wonderfully. Like two different instruments. Like flowers and trees. Like ketchup and mustard. 
I can’t say for sure if out there, somewhere, lives my... mustard; a tasty blend that'll mingle deliciously with my mind and heart. I think I spotted a bottle. I do know, every time I try to harden my heart against the possibility, I end up hardening myself as a whole (note to men: this is what women do after experiencing too much hurt, disappointed or betrayal. Some lash out. Some die inside. Some harden). So as of yet, meaning today, right now, as I sit here, I’m not ready to give up - yet. 
I love writing male characters almost more than woman. I guess it gives me the opportunity to be fickle, quirky, moody and detached in a way that women, generally speaking, aren’t. Whereas women, generally speaking, can at times be emotional, contemplative and impetuous, with minds that rarely forget past transgressions and eyes that rarely overlook insensitivity. For the most part, female emotions are rooted deeper within her soul. All is inner-connected for women. This is one of our greatest and most beautiful strengths, as well as weakness.

Now to figure out what kind of mustard goes best with a pleasant, organic ketchup sweetened with agave nectar but with hints of jalapeƱo.

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