Monday, April 16, 2012

My Frustration Equals That Of My Clarity

Call me a nerd if you like, but I like Jeopardy. I also like the Wheel of Fortune. I can’t say I ever set out to watch these shows. But when the timing is right I can be found standing in front of the television; arms folded across chest; swaying slightly, while saying the answers out loud. In other words: I'm in the zone. And I have to presume, this is the common game show home contestant stance.
If ever I have a live-in companion, this will be one of the peculiar sites they will see. I will say, to my credit, I have been known to nail a column or two on Jeopardy. And when the Wheel of Fortune is on I’m surprisingly good at blurting out the correct answers. I feel certain I’d do even better if they didn’t keep cutting the camera away from the board to show the damn wheel as it click, click, clicks then stops.
During the mid seventies there was no better TV show, in what was my young opinion, than Candid Camera. I even liked the theme song, "Smile! You're on Candid Camera." When I need a boost and a smile, I watch it on YouTube. Like most shows it changed over the years and in the doing lost its magic, but oh what fun it still is to watch as people try to make sense of the nonsensical. 
Life makes no sense to me. How wonderful it would be when things just don't add up, or people are behaving bizarre, if Allen Funt would emerge, smile then point toward the camera. Knowing that I hadn't lost my mind, I'd kick my head back with a happy, boisterous laugh. Sadly, that's never happened. And usually the bewilderment scene in my everyday life brings about an expression far different than that of a laugh. Maybe that’s why that simple show was so enjoyed back then. And maybe that’s why I’m watching an awful lot of it on YouTube now. 

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