Saturday, March 3, 2012

Snowy Silence

It’s amazing how the landscape changes so drastically once its blanketed with a thick layer of snow. 
Weighed down heavily, the trees resemble that of children caught playing dress-up, shrouded in grown up clothes, with shoulders drooped, arms outstretched to hold the mass of white fabric that’s unintentionally reshaped their delicate bodies. The small shrubs wear the oversized, snowy hats of their grandfather, some appear as if hiding under white blankets, some trees simply topple over under the weight.
All of it is serene in a way no other weather condition can provide. If not caught in the calamity of it, the gentle gracefulness can be appreciated. Or at least, I appreciate it. But then again, I have power. Currently, many do not.
As a child, snow days were a magical thing. They were like gifts given by Mother Nature. Lunch tasted better, my toys seemed more interesting, even the songs on the radio were more entrancing during snow days; days that were set apart from the rest. I wasn’t out trudging through snow covered roads to get to work, I was a child. So for me, they were days of bliss. And when the day was brought to a close, I’d curl under my covers hoping to receive the gift again upon waking. During some brutal winters, I was given a week of snow days. Puzzles were put together, my father busted through snow drifts to gather supplies, the fire was kept roaring in the fireplace. Amidst a rather turbulent upbringing, those are fond memories. 
Once the world around me is captured under a thick coating of snow, silence fills the air. Except for a few scant birds that are seen flitting from tree to tree - things are quiet.
As treacherous as this weather may be, I find it more pleasing than the days of grey. I’m looking forward to Spring, it may very well be my favorite time of year; its the Friday of the seasons; the harbinger of good things to come. Summer is Saturday, and of course Autumn with its calm beauty is much like that of a lazy Sunday afternoon. Although winter feels like a Monday to me, with its overwhelming bleakness, today feels like a Thursday; the day that sits on the precipice before the downward slide of the weekend. 

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