Monday, February 20, 2012

Particles of the Mind

Intelligence is a peculiar thing, and one's level and breadth of such should not, in my opinion, be judged.
Granted, there are times when I feel brilliance or the lack there of, is blatantly obvious - but I try to refrain from casting such judgement, as it never feels right. Often when I do, the feeling of having done so sits at the base of my stomach like a bad potato; eaten in haste. 
If I were to sit and take an intelligence test, I wouldn’t want to stick around to see how I faired. And if forced to view my score, I would do so with a cringed eye; the reason being is I often fail to remember historical factoids, important dates, times and mathematical formulas. The problem is: these things don’t interest me. My interests rest elsewhere. If playing a game of Risk or Pictionary, or anything involving problem solving, critical thinking, writing or art, then I’m your gal (or so I believe). However, if the Trivial Pursuit box has been opened and its contents spread across the table, I’ll be the one heading back to the kitchen for another bottle of wine - 'cause in my opinion - its going to be a long night.
When it comes to things that don’t interest me, I have the attention span of a nat. Yet, if the conversation lands on a topic that does pique my interest, I’m like a mule on a mountain trail; in it for the long haul. 
One thing I feel strongly about however, is how easily and unjustly some are to conclude the breadth of knowledge or value of another. In my opinion doing so, only shows ignorance. Einstein embraced new ideas, concepts and theories as easily as his body embraced air into his lungs. Nothing was off limits within Einstein’s realm of thinking. He knew that genius resides far outside the accepted norm. So, outside the accepted norm he traveled.
Some of the most gifted and genius musicians were first turned down as their music didn’t fit into what was considered the norm or the acceptable - therefore it was deemed as rubbish. Once the boundaries were broken however, and their genius creation set free, a new level of brilliance was established. Truth be told, when a thought or creation, whether music, art or writing, is accepted easily I question its brilliance - but that’s just me.
I'm quite certain,there are those that view my writing as not fitting within their realm of attention, not the norm, unacceptable, maybe even rubbish. Quite honestly, I don't want their attention, and never will. They are held tightly within the boundaries for which they carefully put into place. Boundaries and judgement are the busy work of the small minded. Brilliance rests within us all. Never forget to find yours and when you do - don't let anyone cause you to judge yourself. 

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