Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Letting Go

You may wonder from what place these blogs originate; what incident spurred the need to pull together the words necessary to unburden myself of thought.
There are times when an incident did happen; other times, there isn’t one contemplative thought that proceeds my fingers hitting the keys. Yesterday I blathered about intelligence, or more accurately, the judging of one’s mental value, brilliance or intelligence (keeping in mind all three have different meanings, in my opinion).
I’m not entirely sure what prompted that particular blog. I do know that I get tweaked with society at times. I get tweaked by the judgmental straps some use to hold down another; figuratively speaking.
Children, without knowing it, often get judged while in school. After all, there are tests scores and marks that make it seemingly obvious to do so. I’m always thrilled when the child that struggled and brought in low grades, ends up accomplishing brilliant work or a masterful contribution to society. Of course, then most everyone changes their previous perception of the child.
Perhaps its all the political fodder thats weighing down the airwaves as of late. Which to me, is one of the more blatant examples of contemporary savagery; done so, of course, while donning a suit and tie. Their base level mental tactics and jabs toward one another deflate any hope I have in those that may, one day, be controlling the country. If only they would choose to stay above the fray; an action that is a high level indicator of mental reasoning and intelligence.
I feel it is the mark of a well functioning and smart mind when one subdues their primal instinct to wage verbal war or argue a subject to death. Stepping aside or dropping a misunderstood subject is no easy task. In other words, it takes a great deal of mental muscle. But when no resolution or understanding is in sight, the smartest option, is to let it go. Mind you, this is not a passive maneuver. If anything, its a highly percipient maneuver that has been facilitated to ensure survival for all involved: mental, emotional and the relationship as a whole.
Perhaps tomorrow I will write about the way in which my dog will, at times, choose to curl up next to her dog bed instead of on her bed; a trivial matter that always makes me smile. I know I never think of forgoing a soft bed for a hard surface. Or maybe I will write about how when communicating with certain individuals one’s body temperature rises to the point of causing sweat to form; as if some inner, molecular intelligence senses something.

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