Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Being Beautiful

I feel, part of what's lacking in the world today is beauty. Life has become coarse and sharp edged, so we, in an effort to equip ourselves - get coarse and sharp edged. 
Some issues as of late, and a conversation I had with a good friend, pulled my mind deeper into this subject. Beauty is getting hard to find. People are becoming less and less beautiful: externally and internally. Some of this is from our own doing and some as a byproduct of our lives. Men have long forgotten the exquisite art of romancing a woman. Women have forgotten how to feel and be beautiful, without shame or apology.
During my last visit with my psychic she said some things that made me think, and look at myself; not in judgment but with a conscientious eye. My psychic said that I’m so very independent. And perhaps I need to work on that a bit. Well, I don’t know how to be anything but independent. “What other option do I have,” I felt like asking her. I’ve never, not once, had a partner that was my equal or truly cared for me. Any sincerity that was shown was usually done for less than sincere reasons. When it comes to my world, I’ve always managed it alone. This is not necessarily the road for which I have chosen, but its the road I’m on. Therefore, I do my very best to travel it with grace and strength. 
One’s feminine side gets lost amidst all those challenges. The beauty, gets lost. But its like that for so many. I think a great majority of women long for beauty in their lives. I think that's why my novel is felt deeply when read, as its not only written with a soft rhythm but also tells a beautiful tale. Not submissive, or fragile, but beautiful; where the very thing that makes us vulnerable is what makes us beautiful: our core, our spirit. I feel, most women, if given their druthers want a moment to sink into something beautiful. Giving themselves a break from the clipped, sharp edged world. Beauty has little to do with ruffles, and everything to do with feeling and appreciating something that takes one's breath away.
Women are articulate, unfathomably intelligent and insightful, clever and resourceful, just the same as any man. But somewhere along the way, as society changed, and as the world changed, I feel we set aside our divine beauty. I know at times, I have. Other women easily and quickly scorn women who wear their femininity on the outside. Men feel threatened when women are strong and assertive. It’s a bit tricky. But it can be done. No part, need be sacrificed.
There is nothing wrong with being a very strong, very intelligent, very feminine woman. I seek beauty not just from myself, but from the world around me. Beauty comes in many different forms, as it should. As I move forward with life, I offer no apologies for being a feminine woman. There is a balance, and we should feel no shame for wanting all that is offered within that balance and for wanting the kind of love that feels beautiful. Life is suppose to be beautiful.

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