Tuesday, January 31, 2012

I'm Really Not Too Worried About The Shutters

I have found that its best not to spend a whole lot of time, trying to make sense out of life.

This in no way means that I'm passive. It only means that I no longer have the energy to buck against the current of idiocy and selfishness that’s currently eroding our world.  I don’t believe it was too many generations back when we could count on common sense and kindness; like flour and sugar in the pantry, they were staples of our society. Although, when I think on it, mankind has always suffered quite a bit due to the morally inept. So, scratch that earlier sentence.
I feel good when I’m good to others. I feel good when I care for those I love. I feel good knowing I’m doing my part, not just with my life but within society as a whole.
And although there are many like me in the world, I’m beginning to wonder if we are outnumbered. Sitting in court last week, I pondered the lunacy that brought me there. Although it’s rather cut and dry: the father of my child doesn’t want to pay his child support. Taking my thoughts beyond the base issue of his personal greed. I had to wonder: why anyone who brought a child into the world, can feel no obligation for their care? Moving the question beyond the issue of morality, and into lunacy; I contemplated how the system has allowed him to get to the point wherein he owes nearly $12,000 in unpaid child support; a number that's accrued since March of 2010. The system has the evidence that proves he has the ability to pay. All the while, valuable tax payer money is wasted on this one morally inept individual. In other words, while the state is having to cut spending on schools, it spends money reviewing documents that show this individual spends more money paying his Macy's credit card than his child support. And when this person does go to jail for non payment, not only will he not be paying his child support but the state will have to pay for his food and lodging, not to mention all of the state employees required to facilitate the process. One person, one simple minded, selfish, imbecilic person causes a domino effect that not only hurts my children, but you and yours. One person. Now, times that by the thousands just like him.
What happened along the way where it became perfectly acceptable for a parent to neglect their child? Although, if the small community in which I live were to discover that this man, who sits upon a pew with his mother on Sundays, isn’t all that he seems - his tune would change. Silly thing is, I wouldn’t (and don’t), need a court order to care for my children; its in my bones, doing so is in my heart. 
Like the others similar to him, this person will continue on as long as he is allowed to do so, until one day, when enough tax money has been spent enforcing him to abide by the court’s order. His obligation isn't just to his child, but also to the people he’s burdened by his behavior. Not only should he pay the money he owes in support, he should pay the state all the money that was expended on him. This is an issue worthy of a politicians promise.
There are those of us who are in the trenches, and then there are those standing on the brim; unfettered by the real problems plaguing our country, and sadly, our world. Those who’ve never dealt with the darker issues infesting our nation, busy themselves arguing over things that have no place being argued. Their eyes are turned in the wrong direction. They are busy trying to rearrange the shutters on a house that has no roof. 

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