Saturday, January 28, 2012

Sane Religion

Surely I’m not the only one that is watching with saddened eyes, the destruction of what is a beautiful country, with equally beautiful residents. All the while knowing, its downfall needn’t be. 
We, as a people, have lived with one fundamental seed planted within each of us - freedom. Yet to some this means, freedom to impose their beliefs upon others. 
Freedom, by definition, means: the power or right to act, speak, or think as one wants without hindrance or restraint.
I do not want to live under the governing rule of any religious party: Christian, Muslim, Falun Gong or otherwise. Religion has no place within the government or any institution of the state. Yet, religion, primarily Christianity, is currently used as an advertising tool for presidential candidates. This is done with great pride and fan fare. The irony of which, is not lost on me. 
We are to believe these candidates possess greater moral fiber, and thus so, should be elected and impose their personal beliefs upon us all. What one does in their home, should never be imposed within our laws, the workplace, or schools. And yet, because they feel Christianity is a gold star indicator of righteousness and exemplary living, we are to agree. Never pausing to consider the fact that, many of us may disagree, just as they disagree with the belief system of Caodaism. Regardless, if they are elected and allowed to impose their beliefs upon this great nation, I am to take comfort knowing that I will never have to enter a homosexual union against my will. Ironically, never once has anyone asked me to marry a woman, and never once has the marriages of others impacted my life in any way. I don’t see what business it is of mine, what others do. 
It isn’t a free country, when it is governed with religion. This is unequivocally true, regardless of the religion. It only feels comfy, when the religion in power is that of your own. Of course, Jesus had a few run-ins with politicians, if I remember correctly. And they didn’t go so well. But if others feel so inclined as to blanket the nation with their personal belief system, they should first pay careful attention as to whether they are following it themselves. I’m quite certain during the few times I've read the bible that gluttony was frowned upon, as was greed and lust.
I don’t want to put my nose into the personal decisions of others. But when my freedom is being threatened, I must first look at those throwing the first stone. I have to wonder why there is such a large collective that believes their beliefs are so perfect that they should be imposed on all. And yet, when that same collective gets the slightest fearful whiff that a different religion may take power, one that they do not agree with, they protest wildly. It's a rather insane way to live. And a truly sickening waste of time.
I don’t care if you pray to a cucumber or bow before a rock and marry your first cousin, who also happens to be of the same gender. If you can run this nation, putting the welfare and freedom of its people first, then you are a great leader. Many people, knowingly or not, are losing sight of what this country was founded upon. In the process we are losing our freedom to live a financial stable life. 
It would be wise to turn away from those who prey upon fear; from those that use something as private as religious beliefs, as a slick advertising tool. Pure Christians would turn away, as it stands in contrast to their own doctrine. The version of Christianity that I most often see now, is just as askew as so many of the other religions have become; bent on control, condemnation and greed. 

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