Monday, January 2, 2012


There’s something about taking down the Christmas decorations that makes me feel more in shape, almost skinnier. In some odd psychological way, regaining order and de-bloating my house makes me feel less bloated as well. 
I’m not one of those that heavily decorates. With every bulb I put on the tree, comes the thought that in two weeks, I will be standing in the same spot, doing the reverse movement. I don’t put out any villages either. But the few strands of faux pine garland wrapped around the balcony railings, the festive candles, and the large tree sitting in my living room, are all put into place knowing they’ll only be around for a limited time. Once everything has been carefully set up and situated, its like an invisible timer has been set. This timer, slowly and quietly ticks away two weeks time; the time in which I allow my house to sit, weighted down by glittery things.
It may sound a bit Scrooge-like, but I relish swiping the vacuum over the carpet; erasing all visible marks that a cumbersome, albeit pretty, tree once stood in that location. Some feel sad removing and taking down Christmas decorations. Not me. Of course, its also about this time when I feel there’s no further need for snow. Short of providing a Currier and Ives Christmas, I have no need for snow.
Ours was not a picture perfect Christmas, in the sense of snow falling slowly outside our windows, this year. And now that the holidays are behind us, winter has arrived with vim and vigor. At least it has for those of us in the upper midwest. Ironically, now that my house feels fit and trim, if I’m to venture out, I'll have to don a cumbersome jacket that makes me two sizes larger.

But we are on the upswing. The days are getting longer. And just as we felt the slowing down of 2011, we now feel the invisible speeding up of 2012. Some of us will begin exercising with zeal, some will smoke their last cigarette. Some will forgo sweets, and some will begin writing in a journal. I’ve already voiced that on which I will be working. I have to say, I’ve already slipped a couple of times. Nighttime provides the most challenge when it comes to my what if mind. But like with all resolutions, I tell myself I have nothing to lose, and only that to gain by changing this problematic part of myself. 
To all those making a needed change, big or small - here’s to you.

1 comment:

  1. well i feel the need for a smoke, even if it has been 5 and ahalf years maybe i need a vice lol cn
