Thursday, April 26, 2012

It's All Up To You

Beauty is subjective. And the only one defining your beauty should be - you.
A few years ago, this topic sat in my awareness to the extent that I could think of little else. As I went from place to place, I casually watched women and how they presented themselves. How a woman feels about herself is easily seen. The way in which we present ourselves, even when unintentional, is very telling.
To me, there is nothing more beautiful than a woman who is confident and comfortable with herself. Tall, short, skinny or wide - these things aren’t what makes a woman beautiful. Because I have seen beautiful woman in all of these different forms. Beauty comes from within, and has the ability to shine through any exterior. 
We all want to look good. But the one to define what good is, needs to be us. I am at my most comfortable and feel the most beautiful when in a t-shirt and ripped jeans. I can’t say anyone else would agree, but because I’m not seeking their opinion, I really don’t care. When dressed like this, do I look my best within the eyes of others - probably not. But I’m happy. And unless I’m doing something that requires me to dress differently, this is the attire in which you will most likely find me. Sometimes people feel the need to comment; I allow them. Then I choose to refrain from commenting on their attire. To do otherwise would be hurtful. And, truthfully, I don’t care what they are wearing or if their lipstick seems too bold. Who made me the judge of them. I want to notice their beauty, not find fault, or worse - make them doubt themselves.
To me, a smile shows a woman's beauty better than stiletto heels, a flouncy scarf or a pretty shade of lipstick. Because without the smile, none of those things stands a chance. I have never once seen a smile that wasn’t beautiful. I don’t care how white one’s teeth are either - as its the feeling of warmth and happiness that prompts the smile which gives it its innate beauty. So, write your own definition of what makes you beautiful. Claim it and make it your own. Then smile and walk proudly knowing that it is uniquely yours. 

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