Saturday, March 17, 2012

Oh, But It Feels So Good

Never before have I reclined on my chaise lounge under a warm, full sun in the middle of March. I won’t complain.
Sitting peacefully while surrounded by brown trees that haven’t yet sprouted sizable buds, I cringe when I consider the unseasonable shift toward summer. I believe I know the reason for these unheard of warm temperatures. I won’t dwell on it however. I don’t know how to fix it, I don’t know how to slow it down, and heaven knows I don’t know how to return things back to their un-monkeyed with, natural state. 
I won’t complain though, because quite frankly, I don’t like the cold. Other than brief moments when the snow allows me to feel cozy while inside, I can easily do without. Although I know these warm temps are not erupting from a positive source, I still feel blessed by them. So while sitting on my deck, my bones warmed under the sun, I think about the next book in my children’s series, I categorically go over all the things I need to do next, I think about what is yet to come, and what has already been. For however long it lasts, I intend to enjoy this time.
Like the warmth brought on by a fever, I know this heat is the outward sign of inner instability. Yet I can’t help but smile and feel only appreciation as I jog in the late evening, wearing only shorts and a tank top. I’ve also already happily dug out my flip flops and today will scrub away winter’s residue from the deck furniture; joyous spring rituals.
I’ve also enjoyed the pleasantness of dinners made on the grill; something thats usually enjoyed once spring has settled in or summer is about to arrive. For some reason, I can’t help but to feel that summer decided to push spring aside this year. And because of that, this morning I was able to listen to the beautiful music made by birds chirping busily outside an open window. 

What's causing this delightful warmth will most likely also cause hellacious storms, with winds that nearly rip the screens clean off my windows. And I don’t want to think of the tornadoes that are and will be popping up everywhere, or the damage they'll create. For now I will only treat this time as if its a gift given weeks before my birthday. 

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