Friday, February 3, 2012

Within Every Step There is Movement

It may surprise some of you to learn that in the fall of 1988 I gave my life to Christ. At which time I became what is best known as: a born again Christian. I’ve changed quite a bit since that beautiful autumn day, but I’m not ashamed to say I still have a foot submerged into Christian waters; more like, a good three to four toes.
The reason being, I believe Christ was a magnificent teacher. There have been a few beautiful, loving teachers during the course of mankind. And no doubt about it - Christ was one of them.
But as I studied, and delved into research article after research article, I learned things that, quite honestly, I would rather have not known. But once my mind seizes hold of something it rarely lets go. My findings showed how severely, and purposely, Christ’s teachings were altered along the way; a finding that saddened me immensely, and made me question not just my faith but mankind. But I never once questioned Christ, and still don’t. There are a few great teachers of which their sincerity I feel no need to question.
Somewhere along the way, I shifted away from manmade doctrine. Instead, I keep my faith nestled deep within, and try to walk in line with what is a very conscientious, loving moral compass.
I feel passionate about life. I feel equally passionate about the world we live in and the world we’ll be leaving behind. I feel every step we take today, determines - on some level - the world we’ll be living in tomorrow. 
I feel God is expressed not just through a glorious sunrise, or a flower that, for unseen reasons, knows to push through the earth and toward the light, but through every person that draws life into their body. To me, the essence and energy of God is within all things; even a rock that upon numerous glances appears to offer no sign of life - contains within it energy held at a very low vibration.
As I bring this week to a close, I want my words to express the good in this world. The potential held within all people, opportunities and things. It is easy to say that there are moments in time when there isn’t even a hint of God. Moments that are dark and grim. But God lives in all things, all moments, regardless of how they may appear. It is up to us as to how we respond in these moments. Some of the most beautiful displays of God’s love have been shown during the darkest times in history. There are times when during a tragic moment, a person gives their life to save another. The love that person felt toward mankind is awe inspiring. It is the energy and action that Christ tried ardently to teach. It is the way of living that Buddha hoped others would live.
Writings, like songs, have the ability to unlock an otherwise closed mind or heart. Like doors, they open the soul and allow each of us to walk out and into something remembered or something new. There is much hope and possibility within each of us. I am passionate about opening that door, and allowing you, the reader, to either think fondly of the past, or cautiously about the future. I aspire to remind you to go easy on yourself, and equally so on others. Within my novels I hope to cause you to laugh, and perhaps even cry. Most of all, I aim to remind you of the magnificence that is love, and life. We, each and every one of us, have the ability to be a beautiful example of all that is right within the world. Our seemingly small steps can, and do, take us in a better direction. 

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