Friday, February 17, 2012


Many don’t know this about me, but I use to teach yoga. And when I taught, I felt a form of bliss I had never felt before, nor since.
With the birth of my daughter, I rolled up my mat and directed my thoughts toward the business of making money. After all, I had a duty to my children. I’ve always felt, and still do, that my needs take a back seat to theirs. I often overlook the duty I have to myself.
I gave up the practice completely over the last decade. Only recently, have I returned to the art; sinking into poses, floating from one stance to the next. 
My students were unaware that moments before they entered my class, I had moved through pose after pose, finding my balance and my inner stillness while listening to alternative rock - the louder the better. To this day, I continue to enjoy the stillness I find within songs that to most, consist of only noise. This type of stillness is found using the third eye; its intuitive. Stillness of this kind is omnipresent, its everywhere. To find it, one can't look with their eyes. Its the stillness that lives within the trees while they move violently to forceful winds. To some, all that’s displayed is movement. I see the stillness. Then again, that’s how I see my spirit, my inner being. The winds move me considerably; too much so. Yet, beneath it all, is a quiet stillness. 
Its in that sweet spot, where the soul sits perfectly in balance: quiet and peaceful. More than ever, as of late, I need to return to this place buried deep within. 
People come in all different shapes and sizes: physically, mentally and most of all, spiritually. The words I speak right now will be confusing to some, yet resonate with others. 
When I stood in front of my class, I took a peaceful moment and looked at each student, and saw their inner being; I believe they felt that. I cared for my students deeply, just as I care for my readers now. We’re all struggling with something. Some of us struggle with grace and strength, others fall apart. Regardless, the fact remains - we're all struggling with something. And within that, we are all the same.

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