Monday, February 13, 2012

Pleasurable Intercourse

Let’s discuss intercourse. I’m told tomorrow is Valentine’s Day, so it seems only fitting.
As things go, there’s hardly anything finer or more enjoyable than intercourse that moves freely between two people. I realize the image subtly taking shape in your mind is one of legs intertwined, necks arched and perhaps fingers gliding across the small of one’s back. That’s not the type of intercourse for which I speak. 
I rarely use the word intercourse. As many forget that it has two vastly different meanings as far as form and manifestation are concerned. Yet, oddly similar in that it involves an exchange between two or more. 
I, of course, am referring to the pleasantness of spoken intercourse. I know - that was rather bad of me. I never said, I wasn’t bad. Would you want a writer that wasn’t? 
With that said, there's something precious about the exchange between two people when attraction is swirling. Often there are awkward moments, words that stumble and trip from the mouth before walking with butterflies toward the other. Some, reveal their most attractive quality merely through the words they've chosen. Then there is the resonance of one’s voice, the way it hums like a song. When alone, its played over and over only because the pull to listen to it is too strong. There is a unique yet delicious intoxication found only within the nervousness of exchanging words with someone you’d rather caress. 
This type of intercourse is sadly overlooked. It's the mind that is making love during those moments. Well before the body gets to enjoy the same.
I could bring to light, when intercourse takes a turn that closes the heart and mind. When words are spoken that forever change the feelings one has for the other. When a mouth says something that’s heard long after its been spoken. The lips that once kissed gently were used harshly. Little does that person know the damage they’ve done. Words spoken from their mouth, never sound the same again. But there’s no need to bring such a thing to light, not today.
Instead, let’s take a moment and remember when someone, without even meaning to, said words that caused the body to flood with warmth. Delicious words. These are the moments that shouldn’t be forgotten. The moment may be simple, the exchange brief. Yet, within even the clumsiest of sentences, arousal is found. In fact, its often when one says something from that place of vulnerability, when their words are shaky, their rhythmic tone interrupted by desire, that the most pleasurable intercourse takes place.
On that note I’ll leave you. To those that have had an exchange that delighted them, and when remembered they smile - reflect often. To those that have yet to find a voice that upon hearing it, their heart jumps unexpectedly, its out there, yet to find you - but find you it will. And to those that have it, enjoy it.

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