Monday, January 16, 2012

Who The Hell Is At The Helm?

Have you ever considered the peculiarity and purpose of happiness. Let me attempt to broach this subject without getting too deep. Emotions, in and of themselves are highly unique to humans. That isn’t to say other animals don’t have emotions; they do. I don’t believe, however, that they have the depth of emotion or the same span of emotions.
The human frame has been designed and has evolved in response to: need. And yet, what need is there for all the many emotions humans feel in the course of a single day, none alone, those felt during one’s life.
Evidence proves that the human body responds favorably to positive emotions, which brings me to the belief that there is a reason. 
We have 100% control over all of these vast emotions, although at first glance we would believe otherwise. Have you ever met someone, caught in the midst of tragedy or poverty, yet has a positive, happy disposition? I have. And I’m amazed. This person has mastered the art of harnessing and directing their emotions.
If asked, I think many would say their emotions are simply a response to the circumstances in their life. I think initially that’s true. Its what happens after the initial impact that separates most of us from the wise old sages, and the emotionally deft. One’s emotions are much like the sails and rudder of a ship. Life is like the water. The emotionally skillful, know better than to let their ship get tossed around by the waves. They'd never get anywhere if they did. Instead, they adjust. Often in doing so, they use the water to move them to where they want to go.
I believe the emotions we have, good and bad, are there for a reason; more than to simply give us something to do - be it punching a wall or smiling uncontrollably. Whether we realize it or not, we are choosing our direction in life. Like a weathered sea captain, some know how and when to grab the wheel and give it a turn. Some, sit next to the wheel while it spins wildly out of control. Others, didn’t realize they even had a wheel. 
I know there’s a wheel. I’ve watched the change in my direction once I’ve wrapped my fingers around the helm of my emotions; thereby shifting my course. I’ve also woken only to discover, without any turning of the wheel on my part (as I was sleeping at the time), I’ve arrived in a dark, unhappy place. The day that follows is spent steering myself into safer waters. I don’t always get to a happier place, but at least, when I try hard, I remove myself from the place where there are jagged reefs.
I don’t want to be a passive bystander when it comes to my life, and the direction in which it travels. I can’t say I’m the best captain. In fact, often I find myself needing good shipmates to help keep me on the right path. So far today (its still quite early), my ship is in fairly calm waters. I've seen many people go adrift, or wash ashore, where they sit dormant while the waves crash repeatedly against their battered hull. My ship, has at times, capsized. Once that happens, it takes phenomenal effort to save all aboard. 
Safe sailing my friends.

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