Thursday, January 12, 2012

Sinking the Titanic

It was dark. It was the kind of dark that makes one question if anything else exists beyond the voice that speaks within the mind and the sensations felt as one cautiously moves forward.
But I knew this place, and this place knew me. Scraping my hands along the rough walls that marked the corridor through which I walked, I allowed my steps to continue. Turning the corner, I saw light in the distance; a radiant, healthy light, framed by the end of the narrow passageway. Drawn to the place it illuminated, I moved in its direction.
With one foot placed softly outside the passageway, I absorbed my surroundings. Lush green grass carpeted the ground along a softly flowing stream, as well as blanketing the low arching hills in the distance. A stout, tall oak stood near the river that gurgled lightly. I ran my hand across the bark of the tree before leaning my body against it. The tree supported me, and in some unspoken way, I knew my energy supported it. 
On the horizon rested a large bluff overlooking the ocean. I walked steadily toward it. With my toes hanging over the edge, I stood on the cliff and felt the strong energy of the wind push against me. I spread my arms wide. As if waiting for someone to hold, the wind forcefully embraces me. I lean into it, and in doing so, it keeps me from falling. Standing in this place, I nourish the part of me that lives within.
This is the path and the destination of my meditative mind. I hide here when the world around me warrants a mental escape. I linger here when I remember the importance of feeding one’s soul. When there, I’m not alone. I have the same gentle voice and beautiful rhythms that accompanied me when I wrote my first and second novel. These melodies are the soundtrack to my spirit as it expands and expresses itself.
There was a time when I entered this place with tears, as my world had spiraled so out of control. Now I enter this place, with a bit more contentment. So much of the ugliness is now behind me. I still get scared. I get scared that I will not do my book the justice it deserves; that I will not be able to accomplish that which I need to accomplish. But this place reminds me that I am capable of whatever I wish. This place steadies the footsteps I take within the physical world. It is in this ethereal place that I know, that I know, that I know - all is well. 
It is my belief that the human body, and its conscious mind are only the tip of the iceberg as to who we are. Our spirit is the large mass that sits beneath the water; concealed, yet fully responsible for and supporting that which is on top and seen by others. We think often of nourishing our bodies and educating our minds. We routinely treat and maintain our human frame as if it alone embodies who we are. I do hope, that you take a moment to give such effort to what rests hidden below the surface. 

1 comment:

  1. Are you trying to tell your true friends some conforting words?
