Thursday, January 26, 2012

That's Gotta Hurt

I pivot and exit from my desk numerous times a day, all without injury, until the other day. As if my left knee had a mind of its own; a mind that had concluded it was a nut shell in need of a good cracking, it rammed itself into the sharp corner of my metal desk. Pain ensued.

Staggering from my desk, the thought crossed my mind of the many action stars who, during the course of a movie, get walloped repeatedly yet walk away unscathed. This contemplation came about because, after nailing my knee into the desk, I no longer walked with my normal saunter. Which, I'll admit, is more efficient (think Meg Ryan's boyish trot), than graceful. Now I'm down to resembling a peg-legged pirate. 
Am I that delicate - maybe. But how is it that time and time again, I’ve watched movies wherein the lead character falls off a roof, has the snot beat out of them, or does a face plant into the windshield of an on coming car only to bounce back; no worse for wear. Something about that doesn’t seem right. Its hardly feasible. I'm not entirely sure I'd live if I were hit by a car. And if I did, the last thing I'd do would be to stumble to my feet. No - I'd be spread-eagle on the pavement until someone scooped me into an ambulance.
Not that anyone watches movies with authenticity in mind, or at least I don’t. Lord knows, if I did, I would’ve had to walk out of Mission Impossible: Ghost Protocol the other day. Although while walking to our Jeep afterward, I did comment to my son how I found it peculiar that Ethan Hunt (Tom Cruise), could hit his head so many times, and so hard - without being phased in the slightest. And never once did he seem thoroughly irked. I know when I hit my head, I instantly get pissed. Now granted, during the final, climactic action scene Tom was noticeably gimping, in fact at the end, he was down to only a tummy crawl; which I respected. Of course that was after he’d (within the course of only a couple days), done more than any human could possibly do. Regardless of the feasibility, the soundtrack was cool. Which meant I sat contently while grazing on my popcorn, and slurping my Mountain Dew.
The amount of times action stars fall, tumbling numerous times in the process, yet get up and continue running, is never ignored by me.  When I fell down the stairs last winter, I sat stunned for a good five minutes before I could even remember my name, none alone move.  Granted, adrenaline plays a substantial role. Maybe if I were being chased, or chasing, I would’ve sprung up and kept going. I’ll never know, as I was alone at the time; just me and a laundry basket. Which, I’m proud to say, I never dropped even though my body bounced down a few steps. 
This has to be my most, non profound, non meaningful blog to date; which proves that I'm not always diving into the deep end of the psyche. And it feels kinda’ good.

1 comment:

  1. watch an old western, when cowboys were shot in the arm they always limp away lol cn
