Monday, January 23, 2012

I Really Don't Care How We Got Here

I believe both in creation and in evolution. Its safe to say all things were created (some how). Its also safe to say that most everything we see around us, including us, has evolved (somewhat). 

Evolution has no boundaries. We evolve spiritually, physically and mentally. As we should. We wouldn’t develop otherwise. Although while standing at the checkout, inside a Wal-Mart the other day, I had to question if mankind has evolved much at all. Then I wondered if others were eyeballing me, wondering the same.
Back to the subject; my mind can do nothing but blend the two methods. It’s the how and when that seems to cause the riff for others. Many of the creationist firmly believe, and won’t consider anything but, the theory that mankind was created by God, who brought us about one fateful day when he created Adam. This being the story, as written in the Bible. 
I do better when I view the Bible as if it were written less like a biography, and more like a analogical reference book, with a heavy use of metaphors. Maybe that’s because I can’t imagine a Being that creates a person (Adam), then upon deciding another is needed, reaches down and uses one of Adam’s ribs to do so. It simply goes against logic. My first thought is: why didn’t he make a completely new person, using all new parts? After all, he just made Adam. Heck, he just made - everything. Did he also coon various parts from other critters? Did he grab an extra leg from a centipede and use it to make the caterpillar? I wasn’t there. I don’t know. But I highly doubt it. I do feel however, when the story of man’s creation, as told in the bible, is looked at abstractly, great meaning can be found. 

Again, another question that settles into my mind is, if we are to take the text literally, then was this text accurately transcribed, and re-transcribed. The Bible is a version after all. I have to wonder how the story went in the first version? Did the first version go over so dreadfully with the masses or priests that it needed slight, or substantial modification? All of which are questions to which I’ll never get answers. I do know this, if someone told me a story, but prefaced it by saying, this is a version of what really happened; I'd question it considerably.
This force that resides behind and within all things, causes big bangs, black holes, and creates the far reaching galaxies, also resides within me. Nothing about that theory challenges my spirituality. Of course, my spirituality rests more in the cosmos than in the pages of a book or any teachings that come from the mouth of man. Mankind is no more perfect than an apple tree; which in addition to creating good apples, often bears a few pieces of fruit that is dark and pitted.
If I'm the descendant of an ape; I don't mind. I still see the divine energy in that theory. Even the best artisan has to begin somewhere, usually creating roughly etched, or crudely shaped sculptures before settling on a masterpiece. I don't care how I came about.
If I came straight from Adam; I don't mind. If this energy force can create planets and the beauty of a sunset, then it probably took no more than a few minutes to create a human.
This energy force, or Creator’s plan, for bringing us about, doesn’t have to fit into any certain religious mold. Religion is manmade, life energy is not. Maybe the plan was to create using evolution. Of course, even I know, and willingly admit, that I’m simplifying something that so many don’t want made simple. No one wants to be challenged about their beliefs. I don’t feel challenged about it. My mind is open, and I like it that way.

1 comment:

  1. wow are we all at that stage in life where we question every thing around us? cn
