Wednesday, January 4, 2012

I Guarantee It

In case you’re wondering - these blogs are never orchestrated or fabricated for your viewing pleasure. Instead, each blog consists solely of what is on my mind at any given moment. Good or bad. Happy or sad.
What prompted yesterday’s blog was not some form of misery. It was simply the thing on my mind at the moment. My mind bounces around a great deal, you see. This blog provides a much needed landing place for those thoughts. In the process, my hope, is that these thoughts cause you, the reader, to either pause, ponder, or chuckle. 
Speaking of random thoughts, this morning, I noticed the way in which static electricity is slowly taking over my home. As I snapped with miniature lightening bolts while rolling out of bed, I thought of my father. Often he would shuffle around the house in his socks zapping everyone with his outstretched finger. A beautiful memory, and yet, it was a peculiar display of playfulness from someone so troubled inside. 
I considered writing about my webpage in today’s blog. As its finally up and running as of late last night. But I tend not to want to write about such things, not in the marketing myself sort of way. I would much rather write about how it strikes me odd that my white boxer is willing to jump into the tub and stand under the shower. Yet, she's very reluctant to do her business when its softly raining outside. After using only the few seconds required to do her business she buzzes back inside as if shards of glass were hurdling down upon her.
Part of me wants to ask my readers if they too have noticed the peculiar angle in which the bearded guy on the Tax Masters commercial is positioned. Instead of listening to his spiel about solving our tax problems, I sit and contemplate why he’s been placed at such a cock-eyed angle. I also wonder if I’m the only one that notices how creepy the voice is of the fellow from the Men’s Warehouse commercial. By the prominent use of his voice I have to conclude that the powers that be are under the distinct impression that his gravely utterance is a marketing plus, not a deterrent. And yet, it would deter me. Especially if he popped out from behind a rack of suit jackets and said something.
I have to wonder too if anyone else notices the cost of a stamp seems exceedingly high and yet amazingly low all at the same time. How does an intelligent person feel that its reasonable to pay so little, yet expect so much? If I were to take a piece of paper across country, I can assure you I would charge more than .44 cents. And yet - .44 cents seems so steep, almost absurd, when I’m buying a sheet of stamps. 
And surely I’m not the only one that notices how a house seems slightly foreign during the night compared to how it feels during the day. Almost as if at night, our homes take on a different personality, like a cross dresser, but without the flare and color. Same person, but under a different light, they seem strange and unfamiliar. 
My mind exhausts me. Oddly enough however, by releasing some of my energized thoughts, I manage to spark that of your own. In many ways, these blogs are like my father’s electrified finger. I reach out and zap you with my words; sometimes you smile sometimes not. This too, was the mixed reaction my father received. But I’ll never forget his smile as he moved on to his next unsuspecting victim. 

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