Friday, November 4, 2011

It's Really Rather Simple

Note to men: if a woman is prodded into intimacy after a long hard day, please know, that same woman expects to receive an orgasm that rivals that of your own. Let me also say, nothing (and I mean nothing), irks a woman more than mustering up the energy for sex, just to be left unsatisfied. Plain and simple.
I could leave the blog with just that, but I’ll continue.
I refuse to clump men into the category of insensitive, selfish, sex driven fools. There are just as many superb men out there walking around, as there are women. This blog, is in no way meant to disparage; it is however, meant to enlighten. One thing that often baffles men, is a women’s desire for sex. Let me be of assistance through clarification.
It is common knowledge that when a man wants a roll in the hay, he clearly intends for that roll to conclude with an orgasm. If he didn’t, he would be content to merely snuggle. Therefore, it should also come as no surprise, that a woman wants the same. Despite what some may have you believe, women do not require an orgasm of firework inducing proportions. Although those are nice, so is a decadent meal. Both are best when the time and energy allows for them to be fully savored. But as a general rule, nothing, and I mean nothing, satisfies like comfort food; as it fulfills not just one’s body but also one’s soul. Now let’s say her orgasm didn’t happen during the rolling around stage, as it did for you. No harm done. But in no way does that mean it does not still need to happen. A good lover doesn’t let anyone leave the room until everyone is satisfied. To continually leave one’s partner unfulfilled is just down right selfish. This type of disregard is an enormous no no. At one point during my previous marriage, out of aggravation, I began jotting down these unsatisfied romps on the calendar, just to record (privately), how long it would take before my (now), ex husband took notice, took action and at least pretended to care. At one point, during the course of some random conversation, and in a matter of fact tone he asked, “ many months has it been since you’ve had an orgasm?” I replied, “Six.” He simply nodded, then continued with the conversation. At first I tried to brush off his insensitivity, but eventually I felt due a full refund, including shipping and handling, as it was clear I had a very faulty product on my hands. 
Some men are under the impression that women don’t have much of a sex drive; especially as women don’t seem all that interested in having sex. We have a sex drive, in the same way, and almost to the same degree as we have an appetite. Except, we almost never want sex - we want good sex. Doesn’t have to be great - good’ll do. Have you ever noticed when dining out, the way in which a woman comments or sends her dinner back if it’s not quite right? She takes notice of the fact that it’s under cooked, over cooked or otherwise thrown together. At first glance, she seems fussy. When in fact, that’s not the case at all. Instead, she simply wants, not only to enjoy her meal, but to leave fully satiated as well. That’s how women feel about sex. If you take that same woman, and repeatedly place before her a hastily made entree, then take it away when she’s only two bites into it, because you’re plate is now empty - she won’t be happy. 
When it comes to sex, woman aren’t the enigmatic creatures men often make them out to be. When in doubt, just remember - she loves to eat. And if she has the desire, time and energy to sit down at the table, she is doing so with the hope that her meal tastes good, and that, once done, she'll step away content. The same as you.

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