Friday, October 14, 2011

Life's Too Short Not To Eat Cookies

Never weigh yourself after getting out of the shower. While you were busy standing under a stream of steaming hot water lathering up, your skin was busy soaking up that water like a dry sponge. And if you ever get the bright idea to weigh yourself before bed – don’t – just don’t.

So you stuffed yourself silly at dinner. You feel like a stuffed pig and are now wishing you hadn’t had such a large helping of pasta. At this point you have two options: sit on your bum and let those calories turn to energy that won’t be burned. That doesn’t sound that bad...until someone (like me), informs you that unburned energy is stored for later (our bodies are quite frugal). Sadly though, our bodies rarely feel inclined to store this unburned energy in the form of voluptuous breasts or more memory power; it stores it as lumpy fat. You can choose this option only a few times before the fat, that first forms deep under the skin, becomes visible, and prompts you to buy larger pants. So what’s a poor bloke to do you ask – get busy. Mop, rake, sweep, vacuum, as long as its active. And I don’t mean push the vacuum lazily around the traffic areas. I mean get busy to the point you feel warm. Beads of sweat are great, but warm will do, and means your heart is pumping. Your heart doesn’t care how you burn up the calories you just gluttonously consumed, it only knows that it is required to tap into those calories to beat harder and faster.

Although this won’t completely undo all that’s been done, it’ll help considerably. I want you to look at it this way: anything you do that raises your heart rate burns energy, when you burn energy, there are less calories left to convert into fat and subsequently store in some undesired location on your body. It’s science. You can’t fool science, and you can’t change the process anymore than you can change the fact that your car requires gas to power down the road. The only difference is the car keeps its excess gas held neatly in the gas tank when not in use. Your body doesn’t have a similar gas tank. Instead it decides to store this “gas/energy” someplace you, most likely, do not want. And once your body has decided to convert this unused energy into fat, it is twice as hard to burn up and make go away.

Alright, let’s move on. You wouldn’t overfill the gas tank in your car, so don’t overfill your stomach. Plain and simple. Chances are the meal you ate today and the meal you’ll eat tomorrow will not be your last. Next…

Never deny yourself something tasty. Your psyche will sabotage you later. Trust me. The very energy that vibrates within your cells will feel deprived, and like a scorned woman, it will never forget that you denied it its wish. It'll come back against you later with twice the momentum, and twice the fiery.

Don’t eat a plate of cookies or a piece of cake about the size of a cinder block. Remember – this is not your last indulgent moment. However, make the moment count. Savor it. The key that makes this indulgence work is the size and timing; savor that piece of sweat goodness early in the day, while your body is still active and has much more yet to accomplish.

It amazes me that people will pay greater attention to the quality of products used in their cars engine than the quality of products they’ll put into their bodies. Cars come and go, you only have one body. Don’t eat it if it doesn’t taste good. Don’t eat it if it has no nutritional value. And for the love of God think about what you are consuming – all foods are not created equal – and all foods are not your friend.  I want you to view food in this way: food is like a person. You will meet people that help you, encourage you, and bring out the best in you. And you will meet people that destroy you. Now, it’s up to you, to decide with whom you choose to associate. In the same way you need to confront a back stabbing friend, you need to take a stand against the foods you know are causing you harm. This area is where the psyche gets radically involved. And when the psyche is involved things get overwhelming to say the least. But at times we are all required to cowboy up and part ways with a destructive friend, regardless of how difficult it may be to do so, the same goes for the foods we eat.

Maybe tomorrow I’ll touch on a few simple steps to bringing one’s weight down. But this is enough for one blog. I don’t know why I’ve gone off on this wild tangent. Maybe because I see so many people I care about struggle with this issue. If you do struggle, you are not alone. Do not punish yourself because of it. Weight management is dicey at best. But I do feel strongly about a few key points that can benefit most everyone. If it helps, I studied this particular science. A good deal of research, straight A’s and knowledge that has, until now, gone unused. These are steps I follow myself. And for the most part, I am successful. Even the light fluff encircling my waste at the moment, is temporary if I so choose.


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