Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Who Said I Have to Stop Eating Almonds in Bed?

I’m going to express something that may seem mind altering and radical. I really don’t care what someone’s sexual preference is, and I really don’t understand why anyone else would care.  

It’s only an issue, to the level that it is, as a result of people governing things they shouldn’t be governing. It is an aspect of life that has been brutally invaded upon by others, regulated by others, and judged by others. And for the life of me, I don’t understand why. I don’t want anyone telling me I can or cannot own guns. I don’t want anyone attempting to control what I do with my body. And heaven help the person that tries to govern with whom I partner. After what I’ve been through – maybe I ought to consider women. Unfortunately, my inclination is toward men. However, it’s up to me, and should I ever choose to jump teams, then I want to retain the same rights I had when there was a lazy, lump of hairy testosterone in my bed.

I have to wonder if those same people who are doing the judging, would enjoy having their lives judged. I don’t want anyone prying into my personal business, telling me what I should and shouldn’t do; then, as a result of their disapproval, restricting my rights as a person. With all that is going on in our world, with mankind suffering as it is, and our government dangling on the precipice of disaster, this topic still manages to pop up. And of course it will, because once fundamental rights have been stripped away, there is the fight to regain them. That is, of course, the American way. The reason so many came to this great country: freedom. And those that have had their rights infringed upon, I pray, never stop fighting. Odd, isn't it, that we as a country fight to help other countries regain their freedom, all the while, judging and curtailing the freedoms of our own.

Truthfully, I can’t fathom the fact that such preferences have been dissected to the extent that they have. I wonder, what if, other aspects of our lives were likewise dissected and judged. What if, once again, it was a moral crime to fall in love with (or God forbid marry), someone outside of one's social class? The thought sounds preposterous now, and yet, not so long ago…it was common place. People weren’t allowed to live life freely due to someone else’s idea of what was acceptable. I say, hold hands with whomever you wish. I’m happy they have someone’s hand to hold. It would be a far nicer world if we all had a hand to hold.

As the premise that I'm discussing is already absurd, let’s take a step further into absurdity. What if you were to lose your right to be on your loved one’s health insurance because you were too short or too tall? The rule is, tall people need to partner with other tall people, and likewise for those who are short. While we are at it, only those of the same spiritual beliefs can partner up.  Sounds good – let’s make it a rule, and force everyone to follow it. All in favor..?

Let me guess - you think I’ve flipped my lid. I can assure you my lid is still half cocked and dangling from the top of my head - the same as it always has. I feel it is up to us to decide how to live our lives. I guess that is a crazy notion, as so many seem to have a hard time letting others live freely. What we do in our homes is up to us. I don’t want to peek into your home, and I surely don’t want you peeking into mine. I can’t say you would be all that startled if you did. You would most likely find me perched behind my laptop, my feet resting on a foul smelling dog. You might, if you time it just right, catch me eating almonds in bed. I hope eating almonds in bed doesn’t become the next focus of concern, and in doing so, it's decided (because the rule makers aren’t inclined to eat almonds in bed), that I shouldn’t either. Because I really do enjoy it. And from what I can tell, it doesn't impact anyone, except me.

Why is it so difficult for humans to leave each other alone? If we are to pry into strangers lives and homes, then let us look for the things that matter. If a child is going hungry, let us feed them. If a child is being beaten, let us rescue them. If a family is impoverished, then why can’t we then stick our noses in, and help them? As Voltaire said, “Tend your own garden.”


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