Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Evolve: develop gradually, esp. from a simple to a more complex form.


There’s a great deal about life of which I'm unsure. But I am sure, that it's a journey, one that holds at its core - a purpose.

I also believe every person who enters our life, enters for a reason. Sometimes I figure out the reason early, at other times I’m still left clueless, long after they've gone. Karma has something to do with it, I have to imagine. For the longest time I protested the idea of Karma. Now I see it for the evolutionary tool it may be. God knows there's already been a great deal I haven’t mastered in this life. On that note, my poor soul will have to live out many lifetimes before it finally figures it all out.

I will say that I’ve managed to come to the point wherein I have identified my trigger points, my tendencies and the areas in which I’m quite lacking. As a gift to my soul, and the future lifetimes it will need to take due to my denseness, I suppose I should master these areas; call it a vacation.

There’s a person in my life right now that I know is only there to serve as a catalyst. It helps seeing them in this light. It helps me to move beyond their actions and not respond to the many trigger points they routinely push. Maybe if I stop responding, they’ll stop pushing. I’m not sure, but I’m evermore convinced the problem doesn’t rest with them - it rests with me. They’re just the unique individual that’s used to spotlight my tendencies.

So instead of pleading to the Heavens, asking why it is I’m being dealt this most frustrating of circumstances, I will relax a bit. I will look around and consider the possibility that perhaps its the circumstance needed to push me up and out of the knee-jerk reactionary rut I often find myself in. It seems, I have a lot of work ahead of me. But detaching from the individual, identifying the purpose they embody, has helped. Oh sure, I’d still rather cuff this person up alongside the head. I’m a long way from being Mother Teresa it seems. But at least I’m moving forward.


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