Tuesday, March 27, 2012

I'd Rather Fly

“The only thing that interferes with my learning is my education.” Albert Einstein said that, and I agree. He also said, “The true sign of intelligence is not knowledge but imagination.” Two statements that sit at the heart of why I admire this man so very much.
My writing has never been more thwarted than when I try to write like others propose or instruct. To that end, nothing has interfered more with my joy and personal growth than when I forfeit my imagination in lieu of something more practical. Einstein, with all of his brilliance, also said, "Knowledge is limited, imagination is not." When I stay within the confines of what is suppose to be, not only does my imagination fade but so does my ability to enjoy life. 
I like the thought that anything is possible. I like the thought that there’s something greater than what I can understand working and swirling around me. I’m far from a mystical individual, and yet, I need to believe in a certain ethereal magic. In fact, its the only thing that feels truly right to me. 
But again, when that magic is curtailed, its ability to flourish and expand is stifled. In my mind, its divinity and illimitableness is hindered. And I can’t imagine one reason why I would want to do that. It would be very much like clipping the wings of a bird that once was admired for its ability to fly. 
When it comes to writing, when it comes to my mind and when it comes to my beliefs, I try to keep things uncaged, unbridled and free to spread their wings and fly. So as I dream and think about life, I try not to see that for all logical intents and purposes (providing I live to be 84), that my life is half over. Instead, I choose to see that my wings have just now become strong enough to fly unencumbered, and my greatest heights have only just now been realized. My hope is that you too, choose not to limit yourself, but instead see that you are only bound by what you believe - so believe in anything. Why would you do otherwise?

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