Saturday, January 21, 2012

Twelve Inches

By the time morning rolled around I was left with twelve inches of bed upon which to sleep; a few inches shy of what my width required. This explains why I woke to a half frozen left hip.
After analyzing the situation I concluded that while I slept peacefully through the night, my white boxer was busy pushing me out of bed. I don’t think she had malicious motives. She looks too sweet to be devious. Although, I must say, many of the worst among us have sweet exteriors. All the same, such is not the case with my docile pooch. I’m certain she was simply pushing herself forcefully against the largest heat generator she could find - me. 
One day, I’d like to have a beautiful life partner. I have to wonder though, is there someone out there that will be content sleeping along side a gassy, big dog that’s prone to cradling magnetically tight against one's body? 
Just the same, a dog person is the only kind of person for me. If someone, all of their own accord, is willing to extend tenderness, devotion and benevolence toward an animal - surely they have the fundamental makings of a quality human being. 
Of course, there’s many different kinds of dog owners. Some own dogs just for show; not as in the type that enter their dogs in shows, but as in the type that own a dog merely as an ornamental piece; like an oversized, brooch that blinks. I’m the kind that tells my dog, I’m sorry, when I accidentally step on their paw or clunk them on the head. I also talk to my dog. I tell her my worries, and share with her my dreams. I’ll admit, we’re not always harmonious. I threaten her. When she’s pushing my nerves I tell her I’ll trade her in for a cat. She’s unfazed.
In fact, little seems to faze her. There isn’t one meal wherein she’s not staring at me. As if using a form of Jedi mind control, she locks her eyes onto me, and tries to will me into extending my fork in her direction. It usually works.
So here we sit, kicking off another wild night together. Me in my robe with my laptop cradled on my lap ready to work, she to my immediate right; no gap between us. In many ways, right now, this sweet little dog is my partner. She loves me and I love her. With that in mind, this white boxer is the most sincere partner I’ve ever had. 
You can tell a lot about a person by how they love their dog. It seems I love mine enough to forfeit my bed, my food and even my heart. I know I should use these blogs to try to sell my novel. But I haven’t once done that, nor do I ever intend. I will however, ask that you drop a few coins into the Humane Society cans near the register in your local gas station, or like me, visit a great charity that’s sole goal is to help homeless animals. When my dear english setter passed away, I made a small donation in his name at I couldn’t save my setter, but maybe the small amount of money I gave will help save another.

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