Friday, January 6, 2012

Make That Ten Million

At one point or another, most of us have thought about it. That’s why when asked, the answer is so readily available. What would you do if you had ten million dollars?
Having just asked a friend this during a rather long car ride; I noticed the way in which a small smile of relief immediately emerged upon her face and how her answers flowed easily, and without hesitation, from her mouth. It was obvious, she had thought about it before. Barring a small few, I think we all have.
I like to listen to the different answers that come forth from such a delicious thought. Of course, the question use to be, what would you do if you had a million dollars, however, with the cost of things rising, I thought it best to bump up the figure to something with a bit more wiggle room. 

The first two answers I usually receive to this question are: pay off debt and help loved ones. I too am the type that never can ponder such a thought unless I know first, that I have financially un-complicated the lives of my family members. I can’t (even within my mind), jump onto a jet bound for Italy unless I first know that my family has ample funds to pay for their needs and wants. Many of us feel this way. So let’s say that’s all been taken care of - what’s next?
I would grab my children and travel. I would explore the European countryside like a wealthy wanderer. And once my wanderlust had been satiated, I would write. I'd be sitting, much like I am now, except the window would be open with warm salty air filling the space around me. And never again would I have the heavy weight upon my shoulders that I do now. 
As you begin your day, and head into the weekend, I want you to think quietly about what you would do, should you wake up tomorrow, with ten million dollars burning a hole in your pocket. If this seems like a frivolous waste of mental energy, then by all means, think about something else. But for those tired of debt and uncertainty, let your mind paint a more pleasant picture. 

With wild abandon or with slight embarrassment, think seemingly foolish thoughts, think thoughts that delight you. It’s your mind, fill it with whatever selfish or non-selfish thought you want. And if you find yourself investing in a few worth while charities or delving into some grand philanthropic endeavor along the way - feel free to give your mind the number it needs to play with. In retrospect, it may appear as if I've written a silly blog. I assure you, its not.

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