Thursday, January 19, 2012

Hand Over the Skittles, and No One Gets Hurt

I’m ever more convinced that women need to eat something tasty, party for the tastebuds kind of tasty, every day.
I could be alone on this however. It could be just me. A quirk all of my own. But, I have the ability to eat a very filling, very healthy dinner, to then within seconds of putting my fork down, crave something tasty.
They say these urges last only a few moments; stay strong they say; ride them out. They’re wrong. My taste buds are insidious little creatures that have the ability to haunt me the entire night until I locate something that’ll satisfy them.
Dietitians recommend eating berries and fruits with one’s meal as they provide a boost of flavor (thereby curbing the craving before it begins). They’re correct. Only problem is, I don’t happen to like the flavor of fruits and berries. Unless its a strawberry flavored piece of chewy candy - I loathe the flavor of natural berries. Perhaps this is due to growing up on Fruit Loop cereal. I don't know who's to blame.
Unless I'm able to completely preoccupy myself, I rarely escape the craving's powerful prodding. I’m wooed to stop what I’m doing, and walk into the kitchen. I open the refrigerator, and stare at whats inside. I move on to the pantry. I contemplate the Frosted Mini-Wheats. I dig through my daughter’s hardened Halloween candy just to remember that I plucked out everything tasty weeks ago. I give serious thought to a nice glass of cabernet; it’s only 2:00 pm. I move on to the cupboard, and consider pouring Jell-O gelatin on my tongue; too desperate. I grab the small can of sweetened condensed milk. Reading the calorie count for one measly tablespoon, I can't get it out of my hand fast enough.
I’d keep an arsenal of tasty treats in the house for just such an occasion if I didn’t think I’d gobble them up while sitting in front of the tube at night. 
Like hungry infants wanting their bottle, my tastebuds begin to squeal. The part of my body that usually lies passive, quiet and subdued, now turns against me. I’m not happy when my body turns against me. And when my taste buds aren’t happy, every cell in my body becomes unhappy. This exhausting cycle of unhappiness lasts anywhere from a few minutes to a few hours - two to four days a month.
I’ve done my Brazilian Butt Cardio workout today, my body can handle some unnecessary carbs. Of course a cup of healthy Raspberry Zinger tea might do the trick; then again, I think there’s some old barbecue potato chips hiding in the pantry...

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