Friday, November 11, 2011

When In Doubt - Puff Out

There are those among us, who behave much like the small creatures that scurry about in the wild; the ones with two main concerns - finding food - not being food. The latter of which causing a certain knee-jerk reaction that is interesting to watch from those inhabiting nature; even more interesting to watch when done by our own.
If ever you are in a situation wherein someone tries to intimidate you, please know the sole reason they are trying to intimidate you is due to being intimidated by you. I hope this takes a bit of confusion out of the situation the next time you are given the death glare or are the recipient of some other display of odd behavior.
Case and point - my dear aunt, who is no more threatening than a springtime bouquet, stood patiently outside the gift shop located inside the casino awaiting her sister the other night. Now, my aunt wears her 51 years gently; with a soft conservative hairstyle, kind eyes and earrings that often match her necklace. While waiting, she noticed a man making slow passes in front of her, his head turned in her direction. She then noticed, the man, was my soon-to-be-ex. She watched as he strode slowly past her, turned around, only to make another pass. He then stopped to pour a cup of the complimentary coffee offered a few yards away. My aunt looked around, and tried to ignore his odd behavior. She then looked back only to find, that much like the small fish that's instinctually threatened by the sight of a larger fish - he puffed out and stared coldly at her. He puffed out a bit further by placing one hand on his hip, while the other hand brought his coffee an inch from his mouth. He then glared at her from above his coffee cup. 
My soon-to-be-ex wanted to appear big and threatening. When in reality all he did was show how threatened he was by my dear aunt. 
So know this, if you are ever unsure of who to be concerned with, who it is that poses a clear threat to you - watch how they carry themselves - watch how they behave. If they know they can gobble you up, they have no need to intimidate you first. If they want you, they’ll simply reach out and get you. A shark isn’t intimidating because it makes itself larger, then parades around. No, a shark is intimidating because it has teeth, it knows it has teeth and, more importantly, it has the force by which to use its teeth.
My aunt was not intimidated, she is fine. I reminded her that this person is the same person that was so insecure with himself (which is sad), that he use to pump iron before meeting up with friends so that his arms would appear larger. He also use to buy smaller t-shirts so his chest seemed bigger. Please keep in mind, he never once pumped iron before a romp in the hay. His concerns were with impressing the group, not me.
Both men and women, when insecure at their core, puff out when they feel threatened. If you are the one for which they are puffing, feel flattered. Know that, in their eyes, you are the shark, and they are not.

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