Thursday, November 24, 2011

Pass the Mini Wheats Please.

As far as holiday traditions go, my family doesn't have any - zilch. Not one tradition has been handed down or cultivated along the way. 
Sitting here right now, looking out the window in front of me, I’m searching for a heartfelt memory in which to share. Thus far, I haven’t found any. I had a loving family, at least, I felt they were. Of course, they were all I knew. I didn’t have anything by which to gauge their warmth or love. My father didn’t care for the holidays nor did my mother. My brother and I simply tried to enjoy being the recipients of a larger than normal meal, all the while, ignoring the awkwardness of eating said meal with people my parents wouldn’t normally (if they had their druthers), share a meal.
I did like the way the house smelled during the holidays; cologne and perfume mingled with the smell of something roasting in the oven. The small talk was always interesting too. It was always a bit like royalty coming to visit however. Everyone was polite, showed the necessary reverence toward my grandparents, and with a gentle shove, upon saying our goodbyes, my brother and I were told, “Give your grandparents a hug.” To this day, due to all those forced, stiff hugs, I’m still not prone to hugging. If you have ever received a hug from me please know it was quite intentional, and that you are among a very small minority.
I won’t be eating turkey today, my dinner may very well consist of a bowl of Frosted Mini-Wheats. But the turkey isn’t what is important - thankfulness is. And God knows - I am thankful. I feel the best way to show my gratitude and thankfulness, is by giving from that which I have been blessed. This year, a very special woman, and someone very dear to me, is the recipient of my thankfulness. Tomorrow she is getting married, and I am hosting this most tender of unions. I am thankful for my beautiful family. Tomorrow that family will be surrounding her, supporting her and embracing her with their love. And all of this love will be shared within the walls of the home that I treasure and pray my writing career will allow me to keep. My home is ready and waiting for her, decorated, and made quite lovely. I am grateful that I have been blessed with the means by which to offer this, so that I can in turn, share what I have with her and those she loves.
Wouldn’t it be nice, if instead of stuffing ourselves silly, out of thankfulness for a rich, decadent meal - we gave that meal to another. As successful as I hope to become, my success will never be kept to myself. Out of what I have been given thus far, and hope to achieve, I plan to share it freely with those that I love, and those charities for which I believe.
I am blessed and I am thankful. I am even thankful for my horrific ex husband. Sometimes one needs to see and feel that which they do not want, to fully know what it is, that they do want. He provided that. My kids are healthy. And my family, albeit tiny, is made up of good people, as are my friends. Right now, I can still pay my bills, and I’m allowed this moment in time to stand out on the limb and reach for my dream of writing. And, I have you, my readers. And of course, you have me. With all of that, I give thanks.

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