Tuesday, November 1, 2011

But Arizona Doesn't Have To...

For a moment there - I thought I’d forgotten daylight savings time.
I hadn’t been late for anything, so I wasn’t sure how it could’ve even been possible to have forgotten to set my clocks back and still managed to show up everywhere on time. Yet, regardless of the thought making sense, it was the first thought that came to mind once my eyes popped open this morning. 
Forgetting such an important change in time is almost impossible to do, especially now, as there are so many clocks that automatically adjust. It wasn’t always that way however. 
One year during the kick-off of daylight savings time, when we advance our clocks by one hour, I was sitting in church with my mother. Church is a wonderful place to be during this particular time, as one gets to watch while a scant number of bewildered church goers amble in, clueless of their tardiness. I remember quite vividly as my friend plunked himself down next to me in the church pew, almost an entire hour after church had begun. I watched as he tried to understand why the service was in its final stages. Especially interesting was the fact that he was under the impression that he'd arrived a few minutes early. Basically, he sat down, fully prepared to sit in silence for the next hour, but instead, no sooner after walking through the door did he find himself getting back up (utterly confused), and walking back out with everyone. 
Thinking you’ve forgotten to set your clocks forward or back an hour is much like thinking you’ve forgotten your purse or wallet inside a store that you’re currently not in anymore. I’ve never forgotten anything inside of a store, and yet, quite often, I’ve experienced the flood of panic of thinking I have. Women especially, know this feeling well. Whereas men have the luxury of a pocket in which to place their wallet, we women, drag this very small piece of luggage around with us where ever we go. I don’t like purses just for that reason. And I especially don’t like the rush that comes while driving away from a store or restaurant, and upon my eyes glancing to where my purse should be, seeing nothing there. The sickening feeling that follows while one’s eyes dart frantically in search of the purse; just to discover that its nearby, albeit not where it should be, but safely nearby just the same. 
I did, once, forget my wallet at an airport check-in counter. The rush that went through me once I noticed the missing wallet surely took a couple of years off of my life. I ran full steam back to the counter, and by the grace of God, it was still there - waiting for my return.
It would be kind of nice, if for a change, instead of adjusting our clocks to allow more daylight during our afternoon hours, we just kept things “as is.” It sure would be a lot easier than making the twice a year pilgrimage throughout the house adjusting all of the clocks. Not all of the clocks in my house adjust with a simple spin of the minute hand either, many require holding down one button, while pushing down sixty times on another. If it's okay for Arizona - then I say, its okay for the rest of us.

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