Thursday, October 6, 2011

Wet Blanket

My son said something to me last night that struck a deep, resounding chord; in 1789 African Americans, as far as the Constitution was concerned, were considered to be 3/5 of a person. Of course, this was also a time during which women, for the purpose of government, weren’t considered to be people at all. Women and African Americans held no rights when it came to voting or any other political endeavor.

Is it no wonder so many of us are a bit pithy and harbor ill will? A country founded on liberty, chose to hold most of the individuals it relied upon for its continued progress and prosperity, in bondage.

Every time I research our country, I am astounded by the hypocrisy that stands as the undergirding for which it was built. Many of us want to cling to the fundamental principles our country was founded upon, and return to those principles, Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness. Ironically though, those principles weren’t allowed to the vast majority. The only majority that they applied to - were men.

I don’t begrudge men. The men of today are not the men who founded this country. But as I watch the news, which as of late, is consumed increasingly by the upcoming election year, I notice the same hypocrisy that stood as the cinder blocks that built this nation (and caused so much trouble in the beginning), are still there today. We still spin in circles when it comes to allowing all citizens the same rights. And we still offer advantages to a certain few. The boys club – remains - just as strong, if not stronger, than it was in our country’s infancy. Yes, there are African Americans and women in office, but many have become the very thing they fought against so long ago. Retaining one’s core principles and holding one’s moral compass in check, seems to be impossible once one's foot enters the political arena. I don’t envy those that have tried, as so few succeed at preserving their integrity. But so have we, the observers, the voters, the moaning and groaning masses - where is our integrity?

I don’t mean to be a wet blanket, but…is it not obvious to most everyone, that this continued hypocrisy is and will be the downfall of what could be a phenomenal country? I say, could be, because I’m not entirely convinced our country has ever been allowed to be the very thing it has been portrayed to be – a home for freedom, a home where everyone is equal and possesses the same rights. The majority, I feel, is made up of good people. But those good people do not make the rules, they do not run the country, and they have very little control over the direction in which we, as a country, move. Until we choose otherwise, we aren't even in the backseat, we are passively sitting on the trailer that moves erratically down the road to destruction. This has never been more evident than during the recent financial crisis, wherein our country (that means you and me), was burglarized, and those we trusted to protect us, not only granted the criminals freedom but gave many of them a large financial reward, and placed them in office. Using this metaphor to the full extent that I can, I will say I have had my home burglarized. I would never allow that individual who attempted to pilfer my pockets – freedom and a key to my front door.

Unfortunately, our government isn’t fully to blame, we too get caught up in our own personal agendas to the extent of ignoring the greater good. Oftentimes, we are the very toxin that eats at the health of our own country.

We, as people, have struggled to accept each other and play nicely together since first running across the dusty playground and eyeing the other with scrutiny – and we are still failing to get along – today.

We could make a change, and that change, if large enough and forceful enough, could very well impact our government. We have, banded together before, for the purpose of change and liberty. 

It is no surprise to me that our country is becoming a society fueled by anger. Our government has always been heavily laden with corrupt politicians, but in many ways, we too have become the very thing we fled from and have fought against. My concern is that if change isn't made, the fight amongst ourselves, will manifest beyond the mere act of voting; soon it will manifest aggressively in our streets and in our schools. As our government crumbles, so is our society.


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