Thursday, October 13, 2011

Excuse Me. Which Line Is This?

When God was busy handing out Mental OFF Switches, I must have stepped out of line to grab a Coke.

And knowing me, while walking back, I got turned around, and accidentally stepped into the Mental ON Switch line for the second time. I don’t remember, so I can’t say with certainty, but I feel it’s safe to assume the two lines looked confusingly similar.

After receiving my second Mental ON Switch, I must have lingered too long in the Prone to Procrastinate line, as well as the Ability To Eat An Entire Bag Of Potato Chips In One Sitting line. Its fair to assume I breezed right by the lines for Genius, Loves Fruits and Vegetables and Never Gets Angry.

I have to imagine that while these critical-to-one’s-success-while-on-the-planet-earth attributes were being handed out, I was distracted by something; perhaps the music playing in the background. And while searching for the place from where the music was emanating, I walked right past the line where the Loves To Exercise switches were being handed out. Content with the few switches I held in my hand, I bopped softly to the music and felt pretty enthused about the journey I'd soon be taking.

Like cattle sensing the opening of a gate, I followed the masses, not fully realizing the near impossible mission I was about to begin. I can envision the scene quite easily: God looked down and smiled at all who had clustered eagerly at the doorway. He looked over at me and grinned.  Looking back at the benevolent face, I returned the grin. “What can go wrong?” I mused. With two fists thrown triumphantly into the air, I charged out the gate.

Every day since, I open my eyes, and am surprised by the world around me. Not a day goes by wherein I do not recognize how truly unequipped I am to handle the tasks before me. But remembering the essence of that benevolent energy, I quietly whisper, “Okay God…I don’t know what to do. I need your help again.”

As I may have stated before, it is my sincere prayer that this life be my last journey, of this type. This is a prayer that brings me peace, within this request there is no sadness. However, my soul is tired. The level of exhaustion that sits behind my eyes takes my breath away – literally. And my mind can no longer wear the blinders necessary to see the beauty in all things. Life on this planet saddens me more than it delights me. Until my time is complete, I will, with appreciation, savor those things that bring joy, and I will continue to write with this unfiltered mind and un-blind eye. I will continue to make up for the many vital buttons, levers and switches I seem to be lacking, and do so with humor and humility. And I will continue to ask for a little help along the way.


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